Temporada: Summer

Baumes Corcades Integral Via Ferrata + Esperó de la Tosquera, Osona

We will carry out the nice and classic Via Ferrata of Baumes Corcades in Centelles (Osona). In this activity, we...
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Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park

We will take a circular route through La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park. We will ascend to the inside of...
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Viu de Llevata Canyon, Alta Ribagorça

Located between Pobla de Segur and Pont de Suert, at a quite area at a gateway to the Pyrenees, we...
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Infern Canyon, Pallars Sobirà

One excellent canyon in the Catalan Pyrenees. A great complete tour which includes amazing rock formations, passing through a cave,...
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Cady Canyon, Conflent

This is a complete and long canyon located at the feet of Canigó massif. We will go through abseiling descents...
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Aigüeta de Eriste Canyon

A must-do canyon for aquatic world lovers Is it located at the Spanish area of Huesca, in the Pyrenees. It...
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