Nivell: Family activities

Rock climbing experience

Climbing experience is an activity aimed at all those people who want to have a first contact with the rock....
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Snowshoes + Igloo Building

The Snowshoes more Igloo Building starts its walk at the Ski Resort Vallter 2000, but we do not step on...
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Estrets del Freser Canyon, Ripollès

The Estrets del Freser canyon is located in the Freser Valley within the Natural Park of Cabeceras Ter Freser, close...
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Via Ferrata Centelles, Osona

We will carry out the well-known Via Ferrata of Baumes Corcades, located in Centelles. We will go through the easy stages of...
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Carrera Cave

It consists of a 134 m long cave with two main cavities full of stalactites. The access involves a 3...
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Discover the Snowshoes in Pyrenees

This tour consists of a discovery route of snowshoes in Catalan Pyrenees. We will make a very nice route around...
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