Temporada: Winter

Route at the top of Ferran, Alta Garrotxa

We will go deep into Natural Interest Space of Alta Garrotxa, a land which honors its name. We will find...
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Costa Brava - Cap de Creus

Discover the capes “Cap de Creus” and “Cap de Norfeu”, the jewels of Costa Brava! The most mountainous area of...
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Discover Montserrat from the inside

We propose a circular route that runs through the wildest and most authentic part of Montserrat, away from the crowds...
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Salt de Sallent waterfall in the Vall d'en Bas

Excursion to the Vall d’en Bas where we will visit the Sallent Salt of Sant Privat d’en Bas, a spectacular...
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Rupit and Sallent Waterfall

We will discover the beautiful medieval town of Rupit in Osona region, which lies on the Collsacabra massif (also known...
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Girona Pyrenees

The Pyrenees of Girona in the area of the Capçaleres del Ter - Freser Natural Park, located in the Ripollès...
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