Temporada: Summer

Freser Inferior Canyon, Ripollès

Freser Inferior Canyon, located in Queralbs, very close to Vall de Núria and within the Ter Freser Natural Park in the...
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4 days stay in Sierra de Guara

4 days of canyons around Sierra de Guara, where we will enjoy 4 wonderful canyons with amazing surroundings. You will...
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4 days stay in Vall de Ribes

4 days of canyoning around Vall de Ribes, where we will enjoy 4 wonderful canyons with amazing surroundings. You will...
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Baumes Corcades Via Ferrata, Osona

Via Ferrata Baumes Corcades or Via Ferrata of Centelles is located in Centelles (Osona) in the Puigsagordi hill. It has northern views towards the Oriental...
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Sunrise in the Via Ferrata Cala del Molí, Baix Empordà

Located in the middle of the Costa Brava, Cala del Molí Via Ferrata of Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Baix Empordà)...
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Gorges de Salenys Via Ferrata, Baix Empordà

Located in the Gavarres massif in Romanyà de la Selva (Baix Empordà), next to Costa Brava. The Via Ferrata is a route which goes through a canyon....
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