Nivell: Several days route

2 Days Snowshoeing in the Pera Lagoons

The area of Pera lagoons is a very beautiful valley which is worth a visit. The two-day journey that we...
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2 days Snowshoes in Aigüestortes National Park

2 days Snowshoes in Aigüestortes National Park The planned route goes across the heart of the Pyrenees in the centre...
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2-days snowshoes in the valley of Camporells

2 days snowshoes to  Mortiers peak (2650 m) and Camporrells Valley– Advanced level The Capcir area, and more specifically, the...
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Pack 2 days: Snowshoes + Hot Spring Canyon

Enjoying yourself in a unique experience: snowshoes and hot spring canyon in the French Cerdagne. It is an initiation level...
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