The Capcir area, and more specifically, the Camporells Valley and its lakes, is a very beautiful area that is worth visiting.
The proposed journey is advanced level due to the distance and the elevation grade to go across. This proposal is suitable for someone who is looking for a different weekend plan and without luxury.
Day 1: It starts at the Ski Resort Formigueres, until the Serra de Mauri. Then, we will descend until the valley of Camporells going through the Camporrells shelter, where we will spend later the night.
Route: 6 km.
Elevation gain: 660 mts.
Elevation drop: 180 mts.
Day 2: We will go up to the Mortiers Summit, a climb that is done very gradually. Once up, we will have fantastic views. We will go down the same route up to the refuge and from here we will go up the Serra de Mauri until we find the ski station where we will descend.
Route: 12 km.
Elevation gain: 600 mts.
Elevation drop: 800 mts.
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Zona de la Cerdanya
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent dolor orci, tristique id fermentum et, dapibus eget ipsum. Donec sagittis ornare velit, ac scelerisque arcu feugiat sed.
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